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Yet another DC Electronic Load (ou Encore une autre Charge Active DC) est une Charge electronique open-soure capable de dissiper 300W d'energie.


Yet another DC Electronic Load is an open-source DC load made from scratch capable of dissipating 300W of power.

Dymo keyboard reverse

I love my labeling machine! The parts bin I've labeled looks so fancy. But not all my drawers are labeled yet. Why? It's because of this stupid rubber membrane keyboard. I could be so much faster if only I could connect a regular PC keyboard or even better connect the Dymo straight to the computer. For sure, PC-enabled Dymo does exist, but it's quite pricey. Furthermore, the tape system is not compatible with the consumer line of Dymo and prosumers and I've already bought a bunch of those.

Keithley 175 new screen


As of the beginning of this year, I worked as an intern at a small IoT company. The internship was quite short, and the founder of the company did not pay me because he was not legally obliged to do so. But he lent to me an old Keithley 175 multimeter. I was quite happy to have an old piece of kit in my army of lab equipment. But, there was a catch. This nice DMM has a broken screen. And worst of all, it’s the kind of screen with modes and units displayed on it. And as you may have guessed from the title of this project, the screen is not available anymore of course.